Aladdin is the story of an impoverished young boy who is recruited by an evil magician to retrieve a magic lamp from a deep, dark cavern. Aladdin soon finds he has been double-crossed and trapped in the cave. With the help of a magic genie, Aladdin escapes and returns to the world as a rich and powerful man . He marries the Sultans daughter, the princess. But when a mistake made by the princess leads to the evil magician taking the magic lamp and holding the princess captive, Aladdin must think quickly to defeat the magician and win back his beloved wife.
- Automatic navigation and narration
- Narration options of professional adult narration or silent for self reading
- Automatic or manual page turning modes
- Onscreen text to help early readers make associations between the words they hear and see
Artwork by: Bee Nicoll.
Soundtrack by: Cameron McKay [Executive Producer] & Austin Green [Director].
Digitally remastered by Ben Jacobi.
Knowledge Works Company has been developing revolutionary, interactive, educational materials for children for over 48 years. For more information, please visit our website at:
Copyright © 1970 Knowledge Works Company • St. Louis, MO
We hope you and your child enjoy iStoryTime books. Wed love to hear your feedback. Please email us at [email protected]
iStoryTime - an interactive storytelling experience delivered to the convenience of your mobile device - features a series of illustrated and narrated books created by parents for kids.
iStoryTime books have been highlighted in the New York Times, LA Times, CBS Early Show,, CNET and is decorated with PTPA Media’s Parent Tested Parent Approved Seal of Approval and the Childrens Technology Reviews Editors Choice Award.
With over 100 titles to choose from including favorites such as Penguins of Madagascar, Shrek, How to Train Your Dragon, The Smurfs, Peter Pan and Binky the Pink Elephant, iStoryTime books are an excellent tool for both educating and entertaining children ages two years and up. Our storybooks can be enjoyed in several different modes ranging from automatic to manual, depending upon the development and preferences of the user.
For additional information, visit
Please CHECK OUT THE LIBRARY OF iStoryTime BOOKS (sold separately) at
Other Knowledge Works Books:
- iStoryTime Classic Kid’s book – Robin Hood
- iStoryTime Classic Kid’s book – Peter Pan
- iStoryTime Classic Kid’s book – Alice in Wonderland
Other Favorites:
- How To Train Your Dragon
- The Smurfs Movie Storybook
- Shrek Forever After
Recommended Ages: 2-7
Related Topics: kids books, kids entertainment, education, reading, fun, kids travel apps
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